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<TITLE> Computer & Language skills - Anne-Caroline Rougeot</TITLE>
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<META name="description" content="Anne-Caroline's Other skills">
<META name="keywords" content="french, bilingual, european,html, sql, office, excel, powerpoint, javascript">
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<basefont="garamond,arial" size="3">
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<h2><font color="#339966"> Computer, Language and Other skills</font></h2></center>
<br />
 <font face="garamond,arial" size="4">
<H3><font color="#000099">
<img src="Images/red_button.gif" hspace="5" />Computer Skills  <i>(Not quite a geek yet!)</i></font></H3>
 <font face="garamond,arial" size="4"><blockquote>
<ul><li>Proficient in major office software: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, database software.</li>
<li> Trained in SQL, HyperCard and Turing languages in College.<br /></li>
<br /><li> Pursued classes in Web Design at Santa Rosa Junior College, UCB Extension and Vista College in 2001.
<br /> .
	<ul type="circle"><li>Improved on knowledge of HTML, JavaScript, graphics manipulation(Photoshop, Illustrator, Image Ready),and Internet technologies (Windows NT Server, Linux, Ms IIS, Apache, ASP,...).</li>

<br /><li> Pursued class in C programming language at Vista College in Spring 2002.


 <font face="garamond,arial" size="4">
<H3><font color="#000099">
<img src="Images/red_button.gif" hspace="5" />Writing Skills</font></H3>
<blockquote> <font face="garamond,arial" size="4">
<ul><li>True ease of writing in French or English.</li>
<ul type="circle"><li> Whether reports or communications material in a professional setting. </font><font face="garamond,arial" size="2"><img src="Images/green_arrow.gif" /> <a href="experience_f.html#business_writing">See Experience </a></font></li>
<li> Or articles as part of extra-curricular interests.</font><font face="garamond,arial" size="2"><img src="Images/green_arrow.gif" /> <a href="writing_f.html">See Writing Samples </a></font></li>

<br />
<li> Pursued class in Copyediting at UCB Extension in Fall 2001.</li>

 <font face="garamond,arial" size="4">
<H3><font color="#000099">
<img src="Images/red_button.gif" hspace="5" />Language Skills</font></H3>
<blockquote> <font face="garamond,arial" size="4">
<ul><li>Perfectly bilingual in French and English.
Pursued undergraduate and graduate studies  <br />in both languages in North America and France.</font><font face="garamond,arial" size="2"><img src="Images/green_arrow.gif" /> <a href="education_f.html">See Education </a></font></li>
<li> Conversant in Spanish through College education and prolonged stays in Spain.</li>

<br /><br />


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