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"Self-confidence is an important ingredient that makes for a successful physicist."
-Viki Weisskopf

If you are reading this! Hello and thank you for looking at my source! This website
would not be possible without inspiration from a couple of people! Check out their websites

Format made by modifying source of Tim Laux
"Tim Laux:"

Inspiration for making the website (in no particular order)
"Eric Michaud:"
"Joshua Z. Lin:"
"Nicholas Rui:"


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    <title>Rahul Sahay [Graduate Student at Harvard Physics]</title>
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    <div class="wholepage">
	    <div class="name1">Rahul Sahay <div class="name2"> Miscellaneous </div></div>
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       	<div class="navi">
          <div class="navibutton"><a href="index.html">About</a></div>
          <div class="divide">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
          <div class="navibutton"><a href="research.html">Research</a></div>
          <div class="divide">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
          <div class="navibutton"><a href="cv.pdf">CV</a></div>
          <div class="divide">&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>
          <div class="active"><a href="misc.html">Misc</a></div>
	<div class="contentalign">

	<b style = "color: black"> Stuff I am doing </b>
	    <li><i onclick="yes2('NuTOF')" style="cursor:pointer; color:black"> Neutrinos from Time-of-Flight Project*</i>
		<ul id = 'NuTOF' style = "display:none; list-style-type:circle;">
	    <li><i onclick="yes2('MBLMBL')" style="cursor:pointer; color:black">Emergent Ergodicity at the Transition between MBL phases* </i>
		<ul id = 'MBLMBL' style = "display:none; list-style-type:circle;">



	<b style="color:black"> Fantastic Friends and Where to Find Them </b>
	<ul id = 'Friends'>
	<li><a href ="" >Francisco L. Machado</a>: Part of the late-night Berkeley physics squad! Currently a post-doc at Harvard!
	<br><li> <a href =>Shubhayu Chatterjee</a> Condensed matter master and my ferroelectric friend! Currently a professor at Carnegie Mellon!
	<br><li> <a href =>Daniel E. Parker</a> MPO maestro and fellow earl gray enthusiast! Currently a post-doc at Harvard!
	<br><li> <a href =>Tommy Schuster</a> My office buddy at Berkeley and my basketball coach. Currently a grad student at UC Berkeley!
	<br><li> <a href = "">Greg D. Kahanamoku-Meyer</a>: Professional <a href = "">quantum pwner</a>! Currently a grad student at UC Berkeley!
	<br><li> <a href ="" >Nicholas Rapidis</a>: My "big" during his time at UC Berkeley! Currently a grad student at Stanford!
	<br><li> <a href ="">Nicholas Z. Rui </a>: My singing buddy in Berkeley physics! Currently a grad student at Caltech!
	<br><li> <a href ="">Joshua Z. Lin</a>: Math wizard/apologist and 5CL Lab extraordinare! Currently a grad student at MIT!
	<br><li> <a href ="">Carter Turnbaugh</a>: My 111A/B lab partner at Berkeley and experimental sage! Currently a grad student at MIT!

	<p>I am a human being (2) </p>

	<p>I am a human being (3)</p>

	<p>I am a human being (4)</p>

	<br>Rahul Sahay
	<br>Department of Physics
	<br>Harvard University
	<br>02138 Cambridge, MA, USA 
	<br> rsahay (at) g (dot) harvard (dot) edu 

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