bahçeşehir escort beylikdüzü escort Research – Cohen Research

Research Questions

Professor Cohen

Our research is focused on understanding basic processes that impact air quality and climate. Broadly, we study how nitrogen moves through and between the atmosphere and biosphere, what the urban atmosphere can tell us about urban metabolism, formation of atmospheric aerosols as well as clouds, and how to build new techniques and improve existing ones for studying these important atmospheric processes. You can visit our BEACO2N page to view and download data from our dense network of air quality sensors, or our BEHR page to view high resolution satellite maps of NO2 presence and activity in the troposphere. Finally, you can click here to learn more about the questions driving our research.

Professor Cohen is an atmospheric chemist who applies this understanding to ask important questions in the field of environmental science. This video highlights the significance of this approach in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting shelter in place order. Click here to learn more about Professor Cohen and his career. You can also visit our Alumni page to learn more about the research careers of former Cohen lab members. Or you can visit our people page to meet our current lab members.



We developed, improved or adapted multiple types of instruments and data in order to study the atmospheric processes that capture our interest. These instruments are stationed in the lab and in the field; on ground-, air-, or space-based platforms. We use a variety of atmospheric models to analyze these observations, document patterns and draw conclusions. Click here to learn more about the research techniques we use.

The results of our research are helping shape the way that policy makers, businesses and individuals think about and plan for climate change. You can view a list of Professor Cohen’s published work by visiting our Publications page. Research, community outreach and engagement go hand in hand in the Cohen research group. We work directly with teachers at the local and national levels to create curriculum and programs that bring our research into classrooms. Visit our Featured Node page to read about individual nodes in the BEACON project, their locations and impact on the network. We also collaborate with institutions like the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco to incorporate our research into exhibits explored by millions. Click here to learn more about our education and outreach.